Selasa, 22 Maret 2022

Your order has been placed!

Hello Customer,


Hope the email will find you well. Thank-you for your placed order for the mentioned item. The product is in stock and shifted to the dispatch team.

Feel free to connect the team without any delay.For any kind of changes or modifications in the order. As you set your account for the Auto Debit mode. 

So it will debit your wallet without any prior notice.

Item Summary:

Name of the Product : Sony Bra-VIA 47 FHD TV.

Invoice Trans. Ref. Id : TGRS-8456-VDEF.

Total Amount : $ 2278.85.

Paid : $ 978.76.

Due : $ 1299.99.

Expected delivery date : Mar. 26th 2022.

Date of order: Mar. 22nd 2022.

In case of any cancellation or any refund please go through the below mentioned service support team on call.

Kindly connect the service support team for any kind of changes.

If you want to modify the payment procedure or want the delivery of the product before the set date for the same: +1 (833) 8360-939.

Thanks & Regards.
